About UsThe love of flying and aviation is an uncontrolled sensation that is born into human beings very easily. Even centuries before our modern time, man observed birds and wished to fly. Today, aircrafts are three times longer in dimension than the Wright brothers’ maiden flight.
Now that virtual aviation has already completed a great distance in its maturity, it has found its way to the Middle East after thoroughly invading the hearts of aviation enthusiasts in the Americas and Europe. Virtual online networks come to life with voice ATC allowing hundreds of virtual pilots to fly together. While sky over the Americas and Europe became more and more occupied with online traffic, virtual pilots found their routes to airports in the Middle East to find that it is already alive with local traffic and ATC. While Airport scenery is not easy to develop for the thousands of airports available on Flight Simulators found today such as Microsoft’s Flight Simulator 2004, the software vendors were able to cover their initial market targets only. With the arrival of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, a virtual pilot would find some airport scenery at other major airports around the world. The detail and accuracy of these sceneries vary, but the ultimate conclusion is that they are not close enough to the real thing. Even with the add-on vendors that came in to the market supplying highly detailed scenery for various airports in the US, Europe and some other major ones else where, still the Middle East is no where to be found in the scenery industry except for very few airport destinations. This is true while the scenery software available today is still at high prices compared to the average income of virtual pilots around the world especially the ones from developing countries and also the younger aged. This is exactly were we come into the equation. This is a team of aviation enthusiasts whom acquired the skills to build and develop airport scenery for the Flight Simulator software which is more attainable to different virtual pilot markets and also concentrating there efforts on the airspaces which are still out of the current vendors’ coverage. Sim Design Group, SDG, is a team of virtual aviation enthusiasts who are skilled in producing airport scenery and more for the Microsoft Flight Simulator community. The main objectives of this team is to extend the coverage of the airport modeling to where other scenery vendors have not reached, and to provide this scenery with a price tag a lot affordable for the majority of flight simmers around the world. While the scenery catalog is still small, we promise to fill it up with new additions at mouth opening prices every month. Enjoy flying into and out of these amazing airports today. Our products are directly downloaded to your PC in minutes and you can enjoy more realism to your flight simulator experience almost instantly. Let us start simming now…. |
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