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Flight Simulator Scenery Snapshot - FSCubed v2.0
Reinsatlling your simulator, scenery or even migration to other simulators has never been easier!
Move from FSX to newer more advanced simulators NOW
with FSCubed v2.0
Released here!
Luxor International Airport scenery for P3D.. Released here!
Cairo Internaional Airport Scenery - HECA v2 SP2 here!
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Cairo Internaional Airport Scenery - HECA v2 SP2 here!
Intl Airport Scenery - HELX for PPrepar3D is out!
makeAflight bugs fixed. Download for free here..
Only for IVAO members.. IvAi "Look@"
Check it here
Tell us which Airports you
want next! Now!
send us email to
info@simdesigngroup.com, or
post a request on our forums
We encourage you to send us email messages and inquiries to info@simdesigngroup.com ! For those of you checking in frequently, our forums has more frequent updates on progress and upcoming projects..
Sim Design Group, SDG, is a team of virtual aviation enthusiasts who are
skilled in producing airport scenery and more for the
While the scenery catalog is still small, we promise to fill it up with new
additions at mouth opening prices every month. Enjoy flying into and out of
these amazing airports today.
Our products are directly downloaded to your PC in minutes and you can enjoy
more realism to your flight simulator experience almost instantly.
Let us start simming now….