baherhosni (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I will haev get back to this project's team and try to get the latest estimates from them.. As far as their last report a few days ago, they are are about 70% there.. about 80% buildings, about *0% airport ground, 0% photoreal ground map, and 50% airport decoration and realism factors.
The atmosphere in Egypt and the fact that team has almost been completely replaced since the start of the revolution and picking up the experience in HELXX and the coming HEGNX has played a role in the delays.
This version HECAX airport also fixes the HECW ILS frequency which conflicts with the new 05R ILS frequency.
Let me see if I can ask them for more.
But I really have to tell you that for the fact that this team is running from within Egypt, I really appreciate there attempts to be working on two airports a the same time during a very hard time in the Egyptian history.
Thanks for your interest sir..
I will update you soon
Hello Baher
That's a great news really.....can't wait until the release time
really great job ya basha (Y)
Ahmed Hamad Y