We as virtual aviation enthusiasts appreciate the fact that there are many of you out there having amazing talents in producing quality Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery and add-ons. We also know how hard you may have worked to produce some of your work. For this reason, we want to present to you an offer you cannot refuse.
SDG will sell your quality products on our virtual store on your behalf for a fixed commission rate. This rate will include:
1. Publishing your products on the website.
2. Wrapping your product in our secure installer.
3. Your product will be presented under your name or your team’s name as a manufacturer.
4. You will benefit from our license reactivation facility on our website which limits the number of install attempts that the installer will provide to your customers in order for you to ensure less piracy.
5. Electronic payment facility using major credit cards, PayPal and CashU.
6. Support in finishing your scenery add-ons and you will not suffer from flickers of textures and layers.
This offer will give you 80% of the price that you determine yourself for your product while 20% is retained by SDG for the services above. We will pay you directly using CashU transactions. That means that all you need to do is to submit your scenery files by email to
partners@simdesigngroup.com and create a CashU Payment Account for your share of sales to be paid to you. Once your production is evaluated and reviewed, you will get an email to notify you of whether your product has passed review and is going to publication or not.
Take this opportunity to make money out of your hard work today.
Thank You
SDG Team.