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 Post subject: SDG Forum rules and guidelines please read before posting.
New postPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:44 pm
Posts: 50
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Welcome to the SDG Forums

Before becoming a member of the SDG forum, you are expected to review and comply with the following rules. Violating these rules may result in the suspension of your posting privileges. The length of this suspension will be decided by the Forum Moderators and will depend on the severity of the broken rule(s). Users that have been suspended on multiple occasions may be permanently banned.

Below are the rules and guidelines regarding the discussion forums. These rules have been designed to make your visit to the SDG forum as enjoyable as possible. We promote a clean, healthy and respectful environment where members are not afraid to ask questions or engage in friendly discussions

The following rules and guidelines must be followed by anyone choosing to post in the SDG forum

As this is an international website, messages must be written in English, and must be easy to read. Messages should not be typed in ALL CAPS, non-English characters, etc.

1. SDG Team members:
The SDG Team members when possible visit the Forums and respond to as many postings and as quickly as they can. But please do not expect our response to every posting on the Forums. All "bumps" will be deleted.
Those customers with appropriate knowledge and experience with our products may answer questions or give advice

2. Please post in the correct forum:
Please familiarize yourself with their descriptions and guidelines in order to decide in which forum your thread belongs. A thread may be moved to another forum if the topic is more suitable elsewhere.

3. Please use the Search option:
To avoid double posting so if you have a question use the search option to see if somebody has already posted something regarding on your question.

4. Maximum Image size (Pixels):
Please Use the "[rimg] URL [/rimg]" code, to code your images instead of "[img]URL[/img]", this will resize the image to 512 x 512 pixels, this will help to keep the forum topic layout equal.

5. Maximum banner size and signature:
You may have one banner in your signature with the maximum size of 550 x 110 pixels. The text below the banner is maximum to lines and may not contain a click-able link to a website.
A click-able link in a banner is also not allowed

6. Maximum size avatar:
The maximum dimensions; width: 90 pixels, height: 90 pixels.

7. Please DO NOT ask us to provide release dates on our products in development:
We at SDG work according to our internal development schedule that depends on quite a number of SDG internal and general market conditions.
a. We release all products as soon as they are ready to be released.
b. We post all product features, release plans, announces, progress reports and any other info at soon as they are ready to be posted on the SDG forum.

The team is working on releasing the products as soon as possible, so no need to 'hurry up' kind of postings that will cause post removal regardless of its content.

If you have some product improvement request you can send it to our team on

10. Please DO NOT promote or mention other scenery add-ons developers' products in your posts, nether Freeware nor Payware

Posting of copyrighted material is not allowed in this forum. If you have questions related to copyrighted material, please contact us for further clarifications.

12. This Forum is a private forum, BEHAVIOR MUST BE CIVIL, POLITE and LEGAL:
Any messages that we consider inappropriate (for any reason) will be locked or removed at our discretion and without explanation. Those who abuse our forum will be banned from the forum and prohibited from posting.
This forum is for the use and enjoyment SDG friends and Customers. Any behavior that infringes upon the use or enjoyment of any other member will be considered to be unacceptable behavior. This includes, but is not limited to profane language, abusive language, politics, shouting, pushing, threats, discussion of piracy or the promotion of theft. Enforcement action taken by the moderators will be considered final in all cases.

13. The fact you are our paying customer does not affect the forum rules:
You purchase a PRODUCT (thank you!) but not a right to abuse the forum rules.

14. Please BE PATIENT, our developers are doing their best to help you asap

These rules and guidelines are subject to change without notice.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding..

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

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