Dear SDG-Team,
I experienced repeatable CTDs during the approach to HECA V2:
- The flightplans were LGIR - HECA (LGIR - SIT2D - UL612 - BLT - A16 - CVO - HECA ILS/DME/RWY23L)
- The AC was an AS A321-211 CFM (FLYNIKI-livery)
- Both crashes occured at N30°17'31.12'', E031°21'05.57'' (near to Arab al Aliqat al Bahriyah) at an altitude of 12925 ft and short before entering the controlled area of HECA.
- I did not have any CTDs when using the previous scenery Version.
Please check for any problem and/or any workaround.
Thanks in advace for your help!
Kind regards Kurt